Bettina Malcomess

In Urban Scénos Johannesburg 

with Bili Bidjoka


« Do not take, do not eat, this is not my body » / Performance / Ancien Rotary club / Avec Bili Bidjoka et 12 convives.  A performance piece in the hall of the former Rotary House, in collaboration with Bili Bidjoka :  12 people were invited to a dinner which was set up to re-enact the Last Supper according to representations by da Vinci.


The audience watched the guests consume their meal over two hours. A life-feed connected to a projector at the Drill Hall screened the indoor scene on the façade of the Rotary House.


For <<RR=FF>> Joburg Artfair 09


In Urban Scénos Labellevirtuelle

with Dorothée Kreutzfeldt


In Urban Scénos St Denis 

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Partie d’échec entre Bettina Malcomess et Zen Marie // Chess game between Bettina Malcomess and Zen Marie


Bettina Malcomess

Afrique du Sud / South Africa

Écrivain, commissaire d’expositions /Writer and curator

le travail artistique de Bettina Malcomess traverse les disciplines pour être performatif, interdisciplinaire et collaboratif. Bettina Malcomess est diplômée d’un Master de littérature et d’un master d’études culturelles de l’UTC.

the artistic work of Bettina Malcomess crosses disciplines to beperformative, interdisciplinary and collaborative. BettinaMalcomess is a Master degree in literature and a master’s degree in cultural studies from UTC.