YOLO (Motto)
YOLO is an acronym for “you only live once”. Similar to carpe diem or memento mori, it implies that one should enjoy life, even if that entails taking risks. The phrase and acronym are used in youth culture and music, and were popularized by the 2011 song “The Motto » by Canadian rapper Drake.
Musa Nxumalo
Afrique du Sud / South Africa
Photographe / Photograph
Musa Nxumalo est né à Soweto en 1986, il vit et travaille actuellement à Johannesburg. Formé au Market Photo Workshop, ses photos intègrent les pratiques de la photographie documentaire et des beaux-arts pour explorer et réfléchir à la fois sur la société dans laquelle il a grandi et vit actuellement, et sur son identité et sa vision personnelle en tant que jeune Noir vivant en Afrique du Sud.
Musa Nxumalo was born in Soweto in 1986, he currently lives and works in Johannesburg. Formed at the Market PhotoWorkshop, his photos integrate practices of documentary photography and fine arts to explore and reflect on both the society in which he grew up and now lives, and his identity and personal vision as Black youth living in South Africa.
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